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The fastest path to increasing your wealth and achieving financial freedom starts from the inside out! 

Most people get it backwards.  They don't realize that making money is an inside game.  Where the winning formula is based more on how you THINK, not what you do.  It all starts with your mindset...not your skillset.  Skills can be learned, but first, you need to clear out all the mental barriers holding you back.  Ask any financially successful individual, whether an entrepreneur, athlete, corporate climber or mom boss, the answer is the same.  Success, financial or otherwise, is a mental game.

You have big dreams. You want more.  More for you.  More for your family.  More for your community.  More impact.  But instead, you find yourself:

  • Feeling intimidated and apprehensive because you don't know how to create the financial future you want
  • Frustrated  because you can't seem to change your bad money behaviors, no  matter how hard you try
  • ​Putting in lots of effort and hard work, but not seeing it make any real impact on your financial reality
  • Stuck in non-action because you're afraid of making a bad decision or losing what you already have
  • ​Feeling upset...heck, you're one smart and determined cookie!  "Why can't I figure this out?!

The fastest path to increasing your wealth and achieving financial freedom starts from the inside out! 

Most people get it backwards.  They don't realize that making money is an inside game.  Where the winning formula is based more on how you THINK, not what you do.  It all starts with your mindset...not your skillset.  Skills can be learned, but first, you need to clear out all the mental barriers holding you back.  Ask any financially successful individual, whether an entrepreneur, athlete, corporate climber or mom boss, the answer is the same.  Success, financial or otherwise, is a mental game.

You have big dreams. You want more.  More for you. More for your family. More for your community.  More impact. But instead, you find yourself:

  • Feeling intimidated and apprehensive because you don't know how to create the financial future you want
  • ​Frustrated  because you can't seem to change your bad money behaviors, no  matter how hard you try
  • ​Putting in lots of effort and hard work, but not seeing it make any real impact on your financial reality
  • ​Stuck in non-action because you're afraid of making a bad decision or losing what you already have
  • ​Feeling upset...heck, you're one smart and determined cookie!  "Why can't I figure this out?!

You've tried to budget.  You've tried to up-level your game.  You've tried to work harder.  But none of it's moved the needle.  It's time for a new strategy!

Don't be too hard on yourself.  Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, has issues with money.  Money isn't just the paper or metal that it's printed on.  No...it's a complicated, energy-infused medium of exchange that holds sway over almost every area of our lives.  

Whether we like it or not, money is part of our everyday reality.  It enables us to live where we live, eat what we eat, and experience what we experience.  By itself, money is just money.  But, as a society, we've ascribed all sorts of value judgements to it, which affects how we relate to it and use it.  This is where most people's problems with money originate.

There's a saying that "your self-worth reflects your net worth."  That's because money has become a manifestation of how you feel about your own value and abilities.  Your internal  lense, complete with negative self-talk and self-criticism, reflects your external ability to create financial success.  Enter the "money block".  

Master the Mental Money Game, And The Rest Will Follow!

If you want sustainable financial success, this is where your financial strategy must begin.  From the inside out!  Once you master the mental money game, the rest is easy.   Once you master your money mindset, you'll be able to create the behaviors, make the choices, and harness the confidence that will not only help you level-up your finances, but also level-up your lifestyle and happiness factor.  It's like a buy one, get two free!

But...you have no idea how to MASTER YOUR MONEY...what does that even mean?

Don't worry...I've got you!

 It really is amazing that we don't learn more about money and it's management in school! There's no "money 101" class in elementary or high school.  Instead, it becomes a mysterious and dangerous feeling topic.  One that causes discomfort and embarrassment.   

There's a statistic out there that people would rather walk into a room naked than talk about their finances...NOW THAT'S A SERIOUS PROBLEM for something that we have to deal with several times a day!

 So, how do you learn what you never learned and overcome the fear that our brain has built up around the topic of money?  You become the student then the master!

When you master your money, you master both money mindset and money skills, in that order.  Mastering the  money game means you:

  • Understand the role you want money to play in your life.  YOU set down the rules of engagement.
  • Set your financial goals, why you have them, and set a clear path to achieve them.  Play the game your way.  
  • ​Identify the source of  any limiting beliefs or money blocks and  overcome them.  Keep advancing forward.
  • Have a happy and healthy relationship with money.  No avoidance.  No shame.  No doubt.   Enjoy the process.
  • ​Maximize your income and wealth potential while living within your values and purpose.  Make it a win win.
  • ​Develop the skills and know-how of making your money work hard FOR you.  Be a strategic player.
  • ​Harness the confidence to be, do, and have everything that you desire.  Join the winners circle.

But...you have no idea how to MASTER YOUR MONEY...what does that even mean?

Don't worry...I've got you!

 It really is amazing that we don't learn more about money and it's management in school! There's no "money 101" class in elementary or high school.  Instead, it becomes a mysterious and dangerous feeling topic.  One that causes discomfort and embarrassment.   

There's a statistic out there that people would rather walk into a room naked than talk about their finances...NOW THAT'S A SERIOUS PROBLEM for something that we have to deal with several times a day!

 So, how do you learn what you never learned and overcome the fear that our brain has built up around the topic of money?  You become the student then the master!

When you master your money, you master both money mindset and money skills, in that order.  Mastering the  money game means you:

  • Understand the role you want money to play in your life.  YOU set down the rules of engagement.
  • Set your financial goals, why you have them, and set a clear path to achieve them.  Play the game your way. 
  • ​Maximize your income and wealth potential while living within your values and purpose.  Make it a win win.
  • ​Develop the skills and know-how of making your money work hard FOR you.  Be a strategic player.
  • ​Harness the confidence to be, do, and have everything that you desire.  Join the winners circle.

Because you know, once you MASTER YOUR MONEY game, the decision is yours.  How will you design your life?  Will you:

  • Take that vacation, pay off that debt, or buy that second home because you KNOW you can
  • Ask for that RAISE or implement that PRICE INCREASE  because you're confident and know you're worth it
  • Level-up your lifestyle and start saying YES to NOW instead of waiting for SOMEDAY
  • ​​Be FREE of money anxiety and stress, and ditch the guilt and shame of your money past
  • ​Fund that passion project so you can live a purposeful AND profitable life
  • ​Embrace your inner MONEY MAVEN & ROCK your FINANCIAL FUTURE  because you have everything  you need  to financially succeed!

Because you know, once you MASTER YOUR MONEY game, the decision is yours.  How will you design your life?  Will you:

  • Take that vacation, pay off that debt, or buy that second home because you KNOW you can
  • ​Ask for that RAISE or implement that PRICE INCREASE  because you're confident and know you're worth it
  • Level-up your lifestyle and start saying YES to NOW instead of waiting for SOMEDAY
  • ​​Be FREE of money anxiety and stress, and ditch the guilt and shame of your money past
  • ​​Fund that passion project so you can live a purposeful AND profitable life
  • ​​Embrace your inner MONEY MAVEN & ROCK your FINANCIAL FUTURE because you have everything you need to financially succeed!

                   HERE'S THE


They're not financial wizards. They weren't born with a silver spoon in their mouth. They don't have anything that you and I don't have. 

 But they do have gumption. They have belief in what's possible. And they have the drive to make it happen. They've done the work.  They've learned what it takes and have gotten to their dream destination.  You can too!

You just need the intel and a roadmap to get there.  A financial GPS to set you in the right direction.

Here's The


They're not financial wizards. They weren't born with a silver spoon in their mouth. They don't have anything that you and I don't have. 

 But they do have gumption. They have belief in what's possible. And they have the drive to make it happen. They've done the work.  They've learned what it takes and have gotten to their dream destination.  You can too!

You just need the intel and a roadmap to get there.  A financial GPS to set you in the right direction.

The #1 Thing Keeping You From The Financial Reality You Want Is....YOU

I'm sorry to tell you this, but it's true!  If you aren't where you want to be financially, there's a reason.  And that reason may not be what you think.  It's your choices that have gotten you to where you are and it will be your choices that get you to where you want to go.  

The wonderful thing about money, is that it is doesn't discriminate.  Anyone can make money and create the financial future they desire.  Don't get me wrong.  People have different starting points.  But, they can all get to their desired destination.  So can you.  

It all starts with leveraging your most powerful asset...YOUR BRAIN.

Scientists are just discovering the real power that our brains have over our health, wealth and happiness.  It turns out you have EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SUCCEED, housed in that nogin of yours. You just need to learn how to unleash its power.

Why Is Your Mindset The Biggest Factor In Winning The Money Game?  Let's See What Science Says... 

Confidence is the key.  Think about it.  When you feel confident and incontrol of something, something you're good at, there's nothing that can stop you from getting the results you want, right?  You own it.

Whether it's because you've honed a skill, learned from experience, practiced until you got it just right, or were born with a natural ability...you BELIEVE you can do it, so you do.

It's no different when it comes to mastering your money.  Get the confidence and you'll get the result.  That is what mastering your money will do for you.  

Your Brain Is Your Most Powerful Ally Or Enemy

Your brain is the key.  What you tell it, how you program it, and how you use it determines your outcome.  

If you have it programed with limiting beliefs and bad habits, symptoms of a faulty mindset, you'll never be able to change your story (money or otherwise).

But, If you can "wire" your brain for success, unleashing it's amazing power, then not only will you change your story, you'll change the course of your life.


Your Perception Creates Your Reality

Your conscious mind primarily receives the information you expect to see, thereby creating your experience.

What You Focus On Expands

When you focus on something, your brain strives to present  options and opportunities to  make it a reality.

Your Beliefs Control Your Behaviors

Your belief system, which resides in your subconscious mind, is the primary driver of your actions and behaviors.

You  Are What You Repeatedly Do

 Up to 90% of what you do is a condition response or a habituated behavior that is hardwired into your brain.

Fear Bridles You, Desire Pushes You

We're driven by pain (fear) or pleasure. Fear triggers the fight, flight or freeze instinct and keeps you from  moving forward.

Why Is Your Mindset Is The Biggest Part Of The Winning The Money Game?  Let's See What Science Says... 

Confidence is the key.  Think about it.  When you feel confident and incontrol of something, something you're good at, there's nothing that can stop you from getting the results you want, right?  You own it.

Whether it's because you've honed a skill, learned from experience, practiced until you got it just right, or were born with a natural ability...you BELIEVE you can do it, so you do.

It's no different when it comes to mastering your money.  Get the confidence and you'll get the result.  That is what mastering your money will do for you.  

Your Brain Is Your Most Powerful Ally Or Enemy

Your brain is the second key.  What you tell it, how you program it, and how you use it determines your outcome.  

If you have it programed with limiting beliefs and bad habits, symptoms of a faulty mindset, you'll never be able to change your story (money or otherwise).

But, If you can "wire" your brain for success, unleashing it's amazing power, then not only will you change your story, you'll change the course of your life.


Your Perception Creates Your Reality

Your conscious mind primarily receives the information you expect to see, thereby creating your experience.

What You Focus On Expands

When you focus on something, your brain strives to present  options and opportunities to  make it a reality.

Your Beliefs Control Your Behaviors

Your belief system, which resides in your subconcious mind, is the primary driver of your actions and behaviors

You  Are What You Repeatedly Do

 Up to 90% of what you do is a condition response or a habituated behavior that is hardwired into your brain.

Fear bridles you, desire pushes you

We're driven by pain (fear) or pleasure. Fear triggers the fight, flight or freeze instinct and keeps you from  moving forward.

Why Am I So Passionate About This?  Because I've Done It And It Works!  Let me take you on a trip down memory lane...

It was the financial crisis of 2008 and we had just bought an overpriced home when the market came tumbling down all around us.  Shaken and frightened, we hunkered down to weather the storm.  Things kept getting worse and my mindset started to go sideways.  Doubt and fear set in.  All I knew is that had to get OUT before it consumed me.

I DECIDED that it was time to move.  Not just anywhere.  But Hawaii.  I wanted to get away from what was going on in Southern California.  I wanted a place where we could raise our kids in nature.  I WAS NOT WILLING TO GIVE UP ON MY DREAMS just because of a global financial meltdown.  

Using the mindset techniques I now teach, I was able to redirect my mindset and overcome FINANCIAL FEAR.  I was able to move forward and create the life I wanted to live.    I made a choice.  A choice that enabled me to:

  • Land a great job making 30% more than I had ever made even though Hawaii salaries are supposed to be 30% lower than the mainland
  • Buy our dream home four houses from the beach in Kailua, my favorite spot
  • ​Transition my husband to being a stay-at-home dad and live on one salary

I'm not special.  I didn't have some top qualification that no one else had.  I just built the confidence I needed to succeed through directed mindset work and skills building.

Fast forward 8 years, and a lot had changed.  I had overcome my bad money habits, my limiting beliefs and destructive behaviors enabling me to save enough money to quit my job and move my family to Provence, France for two years...without working.    Using the exact same strategies I teach.

And that brings us to today.  Now I get to share my knowledge with women, and watch them have amazing transformations with their money and life.  Women who have created the life they want to live through mastering their money.   You can do the same!

Why Am I So Passionate About This?  Because I've Done It And It Works!  Let me take you on a trip down memory lane...

It was the financial crisis of 2008 and we had just bought an overpriced home when the market came tumbling down all around us.  Shaken and frightened, we hunkered down to weather the storm.  Things kept getting worse and my mindset started to go sideways.  Doubt and fear set in.  All I knew is that had to get OUT before it consumed me.

I DECIDED that it was time to move.  Not just anywhere.  But Hawaii.  I wanted to get away from what was going on in Southern California.  I wanted a place where we could raise our kids in nature.  I WAS NOT WILLING TO GIVE UP ON MY DREAMS just because of a global financial meltdown.  

Using the mindset techniques I now teach, I was able to redirect my mindset and overcome FINANCIAL FEAR.  I was able to move forward and create the life I wanted to live.    I made a choice.  I choice that enabled me to:

  • Land a great job making 30% more than I had ever made even though Hawaii salaries are supposed to be 30% lower than the mainland
  • Buy our dream home four houses from the beach in Kailua, my favorite spot
  • ​Transition my husband to being a stay-at-home dad and live on one salary

I'm not special.  I didn't have some top qualification that no one else had.  I just built the confidence I needed to succeed through directed mindset work and skills building.

Fast forward 8 years, and a lot had changed.  I had overcome my bad money habits, my limiting beliefs and destructive behaviors enabling me to save enough money to quit my job and move my family to Provence, France for two years...without working.    Using the exact same strategies I teach.

And that brings us to today.  Now I get to share my knowledge with women, and watch them have amazing transformations with their money and life.  Women who have created the life they want to live through mastering their money.   You can do the same!

Money Mindset + Financial Skills = The Formula That Works   

I've done all the work.  I've put it to the test.  I've refined, reviewed and revised.  I've jumped head first in to emerging neuroscience, economic psychology, and yes, even some quantum physics.  All to serve women and help them overcome their money blocks and move financially forward.   To have choices and design the life they want to live.

Then, I've added the other part of the financial success equation.  The part where you learn basic financial skills and strategies, so you feel confident with your money and financial decisions.  I've leveraged my knowledge from almost three decades in the finance industry to get you to the finish line of financial freedom, whatever that means for you.

The other day my dear friend was telling me about her mastermind of women entrepreneurs running businesses between $1 - $25 million with the goal of significantly growing their sales.  She laughed saying, "yeah, the first six months we spent dealing with nothing else but  our mental crap around money!  Only now do we get to finally move forward with our business strategies!"

Yep, just like I said...mindset before skill set!  

The good news is...I can help you with both!


Accelerate wealth, level-up your lifestyle, and grow financial confidence by mastering your money

Master Your Money Bootcamp is a results-focused program to put you in the driver's seat of creating a healthy and abundant  financial future, even if... 

  • You hate dealing with, thinking about, or managing your own money
  • You have no financial skills and loath math
  • ​You've had financial missteps in the past and are scared of a repeat
  • ​You currently don't see how things can change for you
  • ​You think you're too busy, too old, too far gone, too overwhelmed, too undeserving (or any other negative, bogus things you may be telling yourself) to ever create the EXACT life you want to live

Dare to believe and come with me, my friend.  We're about to change the course of your future, and your life.


Accelerate wealth, level-up your lifestyle, and grow financial confidence by mastering your money

Master Your Money Bootcamp is a results-focused program to put you in the driver's seat of creating a healthy and abundant financial future, even if... 

  • You hate dealing with, thinking about, or managing your own money
  • You have no financial skills and loath math
  • ​​You've had financial missteps in the past and are scared of a repeat
  • ​​You currently don't see how things can change for you
  • ​You think you're too busy, too old, too far gone, too overwhelmed, too undeserving (or any other negative, bogus things you may be telling yourself) to ever create the EXACT life you want to live

Dare to believe and come with me, my friend. We're about to change the course of your future, and your life.

"This course has opened my eyes to fiscal details and opportunities within my own personal practices and habits I had not previously considered. It has helped increase my confidence in how I approach my finances and has provided me strategies and tools to connect my day-to-day habits to a greater fiscal goal(s)."

High School Administrator

"This course has opened my eyes to fiscal details and opportunities within my own personal practices and habits I had not previously considered. It has helped increase my confidence in how I approach my finances and has provided me strategies and tools to connect my day-to-day habits to a greater fiscal goal(s)."

High School Administrator

"Heather has the unique combination of financial expertise, up to the minute research and a heartfelt desire to help everyone succeed and live an abundant life. You will learn to turn your money fears around, illuminate your purpose, and most importantly, thrive!"  

Laguna Meditation

"Heather has the unique combination of financial expertise, up to the minute research and a heartfelt desire to help everyone succeed and live an abundant life. You will learn to turn your money fears around, illuminate your purpose, and most importantly, thrive!"  

Laguna Meditation

"The information I have gained from working with Heather Marie has been life altering. I not only feel more in control of my financial destiny with a plan to achieve my financial goals, but I also learned and practiced techniques that I can leverage in other parts of my life. Thank you for the empowerment!"  

Director of Data and Business Services

"The information I have gained from working with Heather Marie has been life altering. I not only feel more in control of my financial destiny with a plan to achieve my financial goals, but I also learned and practiced techniques that I can leverage in other parts of my life. Thank you for the empowerment!"  

Director of Data and Business Services

"I highly recommend this program. It is life changing and life affirming. It will help you organize your life in a way you will feel free to step into what and who you want to become. Heather Marie is a talented guide and teacher; a joy to work with; an amazing coach who holds you to your tasks, wants and desires; she challenges you to reach for more; is very professional and on time, and has a wonderful smile and sense of humor. You feel like anything is possible. A plus plus!"

Owner, Sugars Bridge Farms

"I highly recommend this program. It is life changing and life affirming. It will help you organize your life in a way you will feel free to step into what and who you want to become. Heather Marie is a talented guide and teacher; a joy to work with; an amazing coach who holds you to your tasks, wants and desires; she challenges you to reach for more; is very professional and on time, and has a wonderful smile and sense of humor. You feel like anything is possible. A plus plus!"

Owner, Sugars Bridge Farms

 "I am clearer about the value of all contributions I make and also about what I really want... Currently, it is interesting how much more is happening on the acquisition and income side... the focus on “this matters and is well deserved” is showing fruits already"

Compassionate Meditation Instructor

1 payment of 


+pay in full bonus

All prices in USD

4 payments of 


+pay in full bonus

All prices in USD

1 payment of 


+pay in full bonus

All prices in USD

4 payments of 


+pay in full bonus

All prices in USD

So, what's the pay in full bonus?

Great question!  If you pay in full (one time payment option of $997) you'll get  three free group coaching calls direct with me!  

This is an amazing opportunity where you can ask me anything! From personal finance questions, to how to set up your financial routine, to how to overcome your money issues.  I'll help you figure out your personal strategy to move forward and create the life you want to live.  

For the record, my coaching clients pay me up to $800 per hour, so this is a great steal!

So, what's the pay in full bonus?

Great question!  If you pay in full (one time payment option of $497) you'll get three free group coaching calls direct with me!  

This is an amazing opportunity where you can ask me anything! From personal finance questions, to how to set up your financial routine, to how to overcome your money issues.  I'll help you figure out your personal strategy to move forward and create the life you want to live.  

For the record, my coaching clients pay me up to $800 per hour, so this is a great steal!

How does Master Your Money Bootcamp Work?

Hey, I know the topic money can be intimidating and even boring. But it can also be fun and exhilarating. It's true! 

Listen, if you take the mystery out of money by breaking it down into easy-to-understand, bite-sized, actionable lessons, AND start getting some traction, momentum, and see results fast, don't you think that could be a fun? After all, it would get you closer to achieving your biggest goals and I'm sure those goals are full of fun, fulfilling, and satisfying things, right?  

Heck yes!

Well, that's the Master Your Money Bootcamp in a nutshell! The systematic, easy to tackle, FUN approach to MASTERING YOUR MONEY.   Here's what to expect:

  • 6 modules jam-packed with straightforward, easily-digestible lessons to get you through each stage of your financial success path
  • ​Practical action items, worksheets, and exercises that drive understanding, results, and confidence
  • ​User-friendly private training portal where you can access your lessons anytime, anywhere, as often as you like for as long as you like! 
  • Everything you need, the knowledge, the know-how, the tools, and the techniques, to accelerate your path to financial freedom

As for the bootcamp part of the program?

I'm so glad you asked!  

Let's face it.  You've been grappling with this for a while.  Maybe even putting it off for years.  What better way to get started, then to jump all in?  

Just like a bootcamp, the program has been designed to get REAL results over a short six-week intensive period.  Each week, a new module will be released into your portal, which focuses on a different stage of your success path.  

Life gets busy.  By designing it as a six-week program,  it enables you to stay focused and on track.  My goal is to get you on your path to financial freedom as quickly as possible so you can enjoy all the benefits it brings!

(Don't worry, even if you don't finish the program in six-weeks, you'll still make progress from day 1!  The key is to work through the materials and do the work so you get the results.  Whatever that means for you!)

As for the bootcamp part of the program?

I'm so glad you asked!  

Let's face it.  You've been grappling with this for a while.  Maybe even putting it off for years.  What better way to get started, then to jump all in?  

Just like a bootcamp, the program has been designed to get REAL results over a short six-week intensive period.  Each week, a new module will be released into your portal, which focuses on a different stage of your success path.  

Life gets busy.  By designing it as a six-week program,  it enables you to stay focused and on track.  My goal is to get you on your path to financial freedom as quickly as possible so you can enjoy all the benefits it brings!

(Don't worry, even if you don't finish the program in six-weeks, you'll still make progress from day 1!  The key is to work through the materials and do the work so you get the results.  Whatever that takes for you!)

What's Included?

I'm all about making things as easy and enjoyable as possible!  No fluff.  A clear path forward.  No busy-work.  That's what you'll get in the Master Your Money Bootcamp!

We'll cover each of the 6 phases of your success path to financial freedom.  Giving you the intel, tools, techniques, and momentum to get you from point A, where you are now, to point B, where you want to be.  There are a total of 6 easy-to-digest modules, each covering one phase of your path, that will be delivered to your private training portal each week.

Here's a highlight reel of what we'll cover:

Transforming Your Money Mindset

In week 1, we dive right in to shifting your money mindset!  We lay the foundational elements for achieving your financial success and clarify what you want to achieve and why you want to acheive it.


  • Your specific definition of financial success and what you'll need to get there
  • Your financial focus point to keep you on track and pushing forward
  • ​Your values assessment and motivation maker
  • ​The key elements you'll need to create a balanced and fulfilling life
  • ​Your go-to tools to refocus your thinking to facilitate financial transformation

Transforming Your Money Mindset

In week 1, we dive right in to shifting your money mindset!  We lay the foundational elements for achieving your financial success and clarify what you want to achieve and why you want to acheive it.


  • Your specific definition of financial success and what you'll need to get there
  • Your financial focus point to keep you on track and pushing forward
  • ​Your values assessment and motivation maker
  • ​The key elements you'll need to create a balanced and fulfilling life
  • ​Your go-to tools to refocus your thinking to facilitate financial transformation

Rewriting Your Money Story

In week 2, we tackle the limiting beliefs and money blocks that have been keeping you from getting to the next level.  


  • The current health of your money mindset and where you need to focus your efforts for change
  • The sources of your limiting beliefs or "money blocks" and how they are creating your current reality
  • ​If you're out of alignment with your subconscious thoughts and conscious desires  and how it affects you
  • ​To leverage our tools based in psychology and neuroscience to "rewire" your brain to overcome your obstacles
  • ​To free yourself of any shame, guilt and apprehension around money to start building true financial confidence 

Rewriting Your Money Story

In week 2, we tackle the limiting beliefs and money blocks that have been keeping you from getting to the next level.  


  • The current health of your money mindset and where you need to focus your efforts for change
  • The sources of your limiting beliefs or "money blocks" and how they are creating your current reality
  • ​If you're out of alignment with your subconscious thoughts and conscious desires  and how it affects you
  • ​To leverage our tools based in psychology and neuroscience to "rewire" your brain to overcome your obstacles
  • ​To free yourself of any shame, guilt and apprehension around money to start building true financial confidence 

Your Relationship With Money

Developing a positive relationship with money is key to financial health and well being.  In week 3, we tackle the behaviors and actions that you need to financially succeed!


  • To calculate your financial set point and how to breakthrough to the next level...permanently
  • How to overcome any bad money habits or conditioned behaviors keeping you financially stuck
  • Great tools to help you achieve  your financial goals, such as savings, debt reduction and spending plans
  • ​Techniques to engage your brain's motivation centers  to keep you on track and moving forward

Your Relationship With Money

Developing a positive relationship with money is key to financial health and well being.  In week 3, we tackle the behaviors and actions that you need to financially succeed!


  • To calculate your financial set point and how to breakthrough to the next level...permanently
  • How to overcome any bad money habits or conditioned behaviors keeping you financially stuck
  • Great tools to help you achieve  your financial goals, such as savings, debt reduction and spending plans
  • ​Techniques to engage your brain's motivation centers  to keep you on track and moving forward

Getting In The Flow Of Money

Money carries with it it's own energy.  It's critical to align your energy with what you're trying to achieve, or you'll find you'll self-sabotage and stall your efforts.


  • How to be an energetic match for what you desire and find the opportunities that will get you to your goals
  • ​The subconscious saboteurs that you'll need to recognize and  the techniques to overcome them
  • How to engage the focusing mechanism of your brain to ramp up your results and accelerate your path
  • ​An easy-to-implement strategy to put your success on auto-pilot and avoid pitfalls and delays
  • ​How well you're mastering the tools through our $1,000 in 3 weeks challenge 

Getting In The Flow Of Money

Money carries with it it's own energy.  It's critical to align your energy with what you're trying to achieve, or you'll find you'll self-sabotage and stall your efforts.


  • How to be an energetic match for what you desire and find the opportunities that will get you to your goals
  • ​The subconscious saboteurs that you'll need to recognize and  the techniques to overcome them
  • How to engage the focusing mechanism of your brain to ramp up your results and accelerate your path
  • ​An easy-to-implement strategy to put your success on auto-pilot and avoid pitfalls and delays
  • ​How well you're mastering the tools through our $1,000 in 3 weeks challenge 

Monetizing Your Value

After 4 weeks of clearing and conditioning your brain and behaviors for success, it's time to shift to the skills side of the equation!


  • Your unique "superpower" and how to leverage it to achieve your biggest goals
  • Our "time for money trade" framework to help you prioritize your time and efforts to get the highest returns
  • The best  financial strategy to diversify and grow your income and create long term financial security
  • ​Proven tools and techniques to boost your confidence, ask for what you want, and increase your success
  • ​How to overcome your fear and anxiety of leaving your comfort zone so you can grow and thrive

Monetizing Your Value

After 4 weeks of clearing and conditioning your brain and behaviors for success, it's time to shift to the skills side of the equation!


  • You're unique "superpower" and how to leverage it to achieve your biggest goals
  • Our "time for money trade" framework to help you prioritize your time and efforts to get the highest returns
  • The best  financial strategy to diversify and grow your income and and create long term financial security
  • ​Proven tools and techniques to boost your confidence, ask for what you want, and increase your success
  • ​How to overcome your fear and anxiety of leaving your comfort zone so you can grow and thrive

Time To Launch

In week 6, we continue your financial education, identify some typical barriers that show up as you get closer to success, and set you up for long term financial success.


  • How to recognize resistance and redirect it so you can get to the finish line
  • How to grow your dollars  consistently and create a solid foundation for building wealth
  • How to put all of your learnings together to create an infallible system to achieve financial success
  • ​Management and measurement tools to track progress and ensure you're reaching your targets consistently
  • ​My own 30 minute daily routine that will deliver you to your ultimate "dream" destination

Time To Launch

In week 6, we continue your financial education, identify some typical barriers that show up as you get closer to success, and set you up for long term financial success.


  • How to recognize resistance and redirect it so you can get to the finish line
  • How to grow your dollars  consistently and create a solid foundation for building wealth
  • How to put all of your learnings together to create an infallible system to achieve financial success
  • ​Management and measurement tools to track progress and ensure you're reaching your targets consistently
  • ​My own 30 minute daily routine that will deliver you to your ultimate "dream" destination

Private Facebook Group

Looking for a place where you can ask your questions, get support if you have a financial freek-out, and connect with a community of like minded ladies?   Found!

In our private Master Your Money Bootcamp Facebook Group, you'll connect with me and my team to help you overcome any issues that surface on your journey to financial freedom.  We also love to celebrate wins and keep the energy high, to motivate all of our bootcampers to reach for what they want.  I'm in there LIVE and excited to connect.

Many minds are better than one!  Another great benefit is you'll connect with other bootcampers and learn great tips, tricks and tools from each other as well!

Private Facebook Group

Looking for a place where you can ask your questions, get support if you have a financial freek-out, and connect with a community of like minded ladies?   Found!

In our private Master Your Money Bootcamp Facebook Group, you'll connect with me and my team to help you overcome any issues that surface on your journey to financial freedom.  We also love to celebrate wins and keep the energy high, to motivate all of our bootcampers to reach for what they want.  I'm in there LIVE and excited to connect.

Many minds are better than one!  Another great benefit is you'll connect with other bootcampers and learn great tips, tricks and tools from each other as well!

Money Mindset Mapping Tool 

Not sure if you have a money mindset issue?  If you're not where you want to be financially, it's likely you do.  But, we've got your back!

Our mapping tool will not only pinpoint where you have issues or blocks, but will also determine the driving source behind them.  The first step to change is awareness, and this unique tool will help you isolate the specific beliefs, habits and behaviors that are keeping you from achieving your biggest goals.  

The tool also allows you to track progress as you implement various strategies to overcome your issues and provides a target, or "green zone", to strive towards. 

Money Mindset Mapping Tool 

Not sure if you have a money mindset issue?  If you're not where you want to be financially, it's likely you do.  But, we've got your back!

Our mapping tool will not only pinpoint where you have issues or blocks, but will also determine the driving source behind them.  The first step to change is awareness, and this unique tool will help you isolate the specific beliefs, habits and behaviors that are keeping you from achieving your biggest goals.  

The tool also allows you to track progress as you implement various strategies to overcome your issues and provides a target, or "green zone" to strive towards. 

Annual Wealth Planning Guide

Create your very own wealth plan using this comprehensive workbook style wealth planning guide.  It contains all of the important components to set your clear financial path forward, including strategic goal setting, tactical planning, tax considerations, risk assessment, spending and investment planning, and so much more!

It's the perfect tool to keep you focused and on track year after year.  Afterall, financial freedom is a lifestyle, not a diet.  This guide will make sure you keep your momentum and keep leveling up to the next stage of your financial journey.

Annual Wealth Planning Guide

Create your very own wealth plan using this comprehensive workbook style wealth planning guide.  It contains all of the important components of setting your clear financial path forward, including strategic goal setting, tactical planning, tax considerations, risk assessment, spending and investment planning, and so much more!

It's the perfect tool to keep you focused and on track year after year.  Afterall, financial freedom is a lifestyle, not a diet.  This guide will make sure you keep your momentum and keep leveling up to the next stage of your financial journey.

1 payment of 


+pay in full bonus

All prices in USD

4 payments of 


+pay in full bonus

All prices in USD

So, what's the pay in full bonus?

So glad you asked!  If you pay in full (one time payment option of $497) you'll get a three free group coaching calls direct with me!  

This is an amazing opportunity where you can ask me anything! From personal finance questions, to how to set up your financial routine, to how to overcome your money issues.  I'll help you figure out your personal strategy to move forward and create the life you want to live.  

For the record, my coaching clients pay me up to $800 per hour, so this is a great steal!

1 payment of 


+pay in full bonus

All prices in USD

4 payments of 


+pay in full bonus

All prices in USD

So, what's the pay in full bonus?

Great question!  If you pay in full (one time payment option of $997) you'll get three free group coaching calls direct with me!  

This is an amazing opportunity where you can ask me anything! From personal finance questions, to how to set up your financial routine, to how to overcome your money issues.  I'll help you figure out your personal strategy to move forward and create the life you want to live.  

For the record, my coaching clients pay me up to $800 per hour, so this is a great steal!

"Heather is a wonderful leader and her own inner light really shines through. Her coaching was tremendously helpful and enabled me to make a clear vision for myself, set my goals and focus on the best path to get there.

She is definitely what the world needs more of right now!"

Massage Therapist

Trust me...this is NOT your typical Finance or Money Management Course!

I believe to my core that finance should be FUN!  After all, when you're in control of your money and confident in your financial future, there's so much that you can do!  You can have a HUGE impact, on your life and the lives of others.  Your community, your passion projects, and even the world.  What  ISN'T fun about that?  

That's why this course provides you with a 360 degree approach to money.   Making sure you align your values with your efforts.   Helping you transition  from a position of fear and intimidation to one of empowerment and confidence.    Addressing ALL of the components for a complete and abundant life.

Only then will you be able see the full potential of what's possible when you master your money.  

There are other courses out there that focus on the manifestation side of money or specific financial skills.  But none that tackle the mental AND financial strategies that are covered in this course.   You get the full roadmap, not partial  strategies. 

Instead, it's a one stop shop to a life of financial confidence and freedom!


Save over $250,000 and take a two year sabbatical to the South of France with my family to have the adventure of a lifetime

Get to the C-Suite, max out my bonuses each year, and receive consistent merit awards over and above the max guidelines set by the companies

Join the Board of Directors for two non-profit organizations  supporting causes I'm passionate about 

Start my own business where I have the ability to have REAL impact on other people's lives while having an amazing amount of flexibility to be with my family, travel and spend time with friends.

Land my dream job in Hawaii with the exact pay, moving allowance and perks I needed to convince my husband and kids it was a good idea!  AND, be able to buy our favorite house ever, just steps from my favorite beach!

Enable my husband to be a stay-at-home dad 

Confidently diversify my income through creating a couple side hustles and investing in real estate, reducing the stress of just one source of income

REMEMBER, money is a mental game.  The only way I was able to do these things is because I learned how to play it by mastering my mindset.  You can do the exact same thing to design the life you want too!

Like I said earlier, you have EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SUCCEED.  You just need the roadmap that will help you master your mindset, gain the confidence and hone the skills that will deliver you to your dream destination.  You are special.  You are capable.  You can do this!

The key is to get started!  And, this course doesn't have the hefty price tag of a money coach or even a psychologist or therapist.   It's time to stop analyzing and questioning, and start planning and doing.  Your transformation depends on it!

Save over $250,000 and take a two year sabbatical to the South of France with my family to have the adventure of a lifetime

Get to the C-Suite, max out my bonuses each year, and receive consistent merit awards over and above the max guidelines set by the companies

Join the Board of Directors for two non-profit organizations  supporting causes I'm passionate about 

Start my own business where I have the ability to have REAL impact on other people's lives while having an amazing amount of flexibility to be with my family, travel and spend time with friends.

Land my dream job in Hawaii with the exact pay, moving allowance and perks I needed to convince my husband and kids it was a good idea!  AND, be able to buy our favorite house ever, just steps from my favorite beach!

Enable my husband to be a stay-at-home dad 

Confidently diversify my income through creating a couple side hustles and investing in real estate, reducing the stress of just one source of income

REMEMBER, money is a mental game.  The only way I was able to do these things is because I learned how to play it by mastering my mindset.  You can do the exact same thing to design the life you want too!

Like I said earlier, you have EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SUCCEED.  You just need the roadmap that will help you master your mindset, gain the confidence and hone the skills that will deliver you to your dream destination.  You are special.  You are capable.  You can do this!

The key is to get started!  And, this course doesn't have the hefty price tag of a money coach or even a psychologist or therapist.   It's time to stop analyzing and questioning, and start planning and doing,  Your transformation depends on it!

Meet Heather Marié

Former Bank CFO, Wealth Coach and Money Maven

Whether we like it or not, money helps us create the life we desire, and I'm an expert in the business of money! 

Even though I spent 27 years in the finance industry, it wasn't through my successes that I learned the real lessons around money, it was through my failures. Those times when I was deep in debt, spending more than I was making, and feeling inadequate, ashamed and frustrated. That's when I made the life transforming decision to change my relationship with money and set out on a journey of a lifetime to discover the path to financial freedom and true happiness.

Now I share the knowledge, strategies, and tools I learned along that journey to empower other women to embrace their value, reach their financial goals and live the life they want to live. Real tools, used by real people, to get real and lasting results.  

I created this workshop to help you take those critical first steps towards financial freedom. It's time to claim the life you were meant to live!

Is the Master Your Money Bootcamp For Me?

Ah, the million dollar question!  We've all purchased courses that overpromise and underdeliver.  It's the opposite of fun.  

So, let's talk about who will excel in this program.

Master Your Money Bootcamp Is For You If:

  • You're Committed And Ready To Make A Change!   Your financial reality isn't just going to magically change, no matter how much wishing and hoping you do!  It takes work to get what you want.  I'll deliver the tools, techniques and golden roadmap to get you there, but you need to take action if you want change!
  • ​You're Not Afraid To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone And Reach For Your Biggest Goals.  It takes courage to go after what you want.  In this program, you'll have to face things and do things that you've never done before. You need to have trust in yourself and be willing to grow in order to move forward.   
  • ​You Really Want Financial Freedom!  It's one thing to SAY you want something, but another to REALLY want it.  WANT it so much that you'll put in the time and effort to get it.  Enough to make the necessary sacrifices in the short term to reap the HUGE benefits over the long term.
  • ​You're Open To New Things And Excited To Be Coached.  Part of the growth journey is opening yourself up (even though it may feel scary) to learning and trying new things!  This is what I do.  I'm excited to teach you and help you grow to your biggest potential.  All you need to do to succeed is agree to learn!

Master Your Money Bootcamp Likely NOT a good fit for you if:

  • You're Afraid To Commit.   You have to want change in order to create it!  If you can't commit to do what it takes to get the change you desire, then you'll never get there.  This course is designed for results.  But to get them, you must commit to the process and decide. "I'm doing this!"
  • ​You're Actually Content WIth Where You Are.  Hey, that's great.  You know what they say.  If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.  And if you're happy with what you've always gotten, and aren't interested in creating more or having more impact, then you likely don't need the program!     
  • ​You Just Want To Get Rich Quick!  This is not a get rich quick scheme!  You have to do the internal and external work to achieve true financial freedom and that takes time and effort.  You WILL change your financial reality if you complete the program and be financially healthier and happier for it!  But if it's just instant money you're interested in, not the how, what, why and for how long, then this is not your program!
  • You Make Excuses, Instead Of Taking Responsibility For Your Results.  You're in the driver's seat of your future.  It's your choices that have gotten you where you are and your choices that will accelerate you forward.  I've done all the heavy lifting and given you the intel, tricks, techniques, skills, and system to help you create financial stability and freedom.  But the results ultimately come down to you.

The Master Your Money Bootcamp is the system I've personally used to transform my own life and finances.  

It's the framework that has consistently worked for my clients and students, enabling them to reach for the biggest goals and achieve them.  

I know that you'll love the material too!  But, I want to make this a no-brainer for you.  I'm offering a 14-day money back guarantee.  

Work through Master Your Money Bootcamp, complete the lessons,  worksheets and action steps, and if you don't feel like you have the clarity and proven blueprint to move financially forward, I'll refund your money.  Simple as that!

The Master Your Money Bootcamp is the system I've personally used to transform my own life and finances.  

It's the framework that has consistently worked for my clients and students, enabling them to reach for the biggest goals and achieve them.  

I know that you'll love the material too!  But, I want to make this a no-brainer for you.  I'm offering a 14-day money back guarantee.  

Work through Master Your Money Bootcamp, complete the lessons,  worksheets and action steps, and if you don't feel like you have the clarity and proven blueprint to move financially forward, I'll refund your money.  Simple as that!

1 payment of 


+pay in full bonus

All prices in USD

4 payments of 


+pay in full bonus

All prices in USD

So, what's the pay in full bonus?

Great question!  If you pay in full (one time payment option of $997) you'll get  three free group coaching calls direct with me!  

This is an amazing opportunity where you can ask me anything! From personal finance questions, to how to set up your financial routine, to how to overcome your money issues.  I'll help you figure out your personal strategy to move forward and create the life you want to live.  

For the record, my coaching clients pay me up to $800 per hour, so this is a great steal!

Here's What You Get With

6 Comprehensive Training Modules

Taking you through each phase of the Master Your Money success path

$2,997 value

Bonus private Facebook Community

To support you on your journey and provide answers to your questions

$497 value

Bonus Money Mindset Mapping Tool

To help you assess your money mindset health and how to improve it

$197 value

Bonus Annual Wealth Planning Guide

A comprehensive wealth planning workbook to keep you on track for years to come

$297 value

Pay In Full Bonus 3 Group Coaching Calls

An amazing opportunity to get individualized feedback and work through your issues real time

$997 value


You Can Stay On Your Current Path...

You can keep grinding away each day, doing what you're doing, feeling like you're not moving financially forward, worrying about your financial future, and feeling frustrated that you can't seem to level-up and reach your financial goals.


You can trust yourself, commit to taking bold action, and use the next six weeks (and beyond) to master your money mindset, gain new financial skills, and create your path forward to a brighter, healthier and happier financial future.  

Then, you can keep leveraging what you've learned to create REAL and lasting change in your life.  

Just imagine your life a year from now:

  • You feel confident and in control as you grow and invest your money in what matters most to you
  • You have a healthy relationship with money and no longer let it hold sway over what you do and how you do it
  • You'll feel like you can do, be or have anything you desire because you have the confidence and tools you need to succeed
  • You no longer wait for "someday", but instead live your life in a way that brings you joy each and every day.
  • ​You won't be stressed or have financial freak-outs because you've built a solid financial foundation 
  • ​You'll find new and exciting opportunities that you never noticed before that bring you closer to living your dream life.

If you start today, all of these things are completely possible for you!

1 payment of 


+pay in full bonus

All prices in USD

4 payments of 


+pay in full bonus

All prices in USD

So, what's the pay in full bonus?

Great question!  If you pay in full (one time payment option of $497) you'll get a three free group coaching calls direct with me!  

This is an amazing opportunity where you can ask me anything! From personal finance questions, to how to set up your financial routine, to how to overcome your money issues.  I'll help you figure out your personal strategy to move forward and create the life you want to live.  

For the record, my coaching clients pay me up to $800 per hour, so this is a great steal!

1 payment of 


+pay in full bonus

All prices in USD

4 payments of 


+pay in full bonus

All prices in USD

So, what's the pay in full bonus?

Great question!  If you pay in full (one time payment option of $997) you'll get three free group coaching calls direct with me!  

This is an amazing opportunity where you can ask me anything! From personal finance questions, to how to set up your financial routine, to how to overcome your money issues.  I'll help you figure out your personal strategy to move forward and create the life you want to live.  

For the record, my coaching clients pay me up to $800 per hour, so this is a great steal!

"Heather's amazing course helped me identify limiting beliefs about my business and gave so many practical tools to work through them on my way to abundance"

Professional Photographer

Earnings Disclaimer

There is no shortcut to financial freedom.  I don't believe in get rich quick schemes, just adding value, hard work, and helping others grow and thrive.  All of our materials are intended to help you gain the confidence and skills you need to live a financially healthier and happier life.  As stipulated by law, we can not, and do not, make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies.  Afterall, it takes work to achieve financial success.  In fact, it takes hard work to succeed at anything in life, and your financial success is no different.   Your results in life are up to you and the amount of effort and resources you're willing to put into that success.  Our intention is to help you get there by providing amazing content, tips, tools, direction and strategies that keep you moving forward towards your financial success.  Nothing on this page,  or in any of our sites or materials, offer any legal, tax, medical, or other professional or similar advice.  All financial numbers referenced here, are used for illustration purposes, and should not be considered a promise of potential results or earnings. Please see our more detailed disclaimer, privacy policy and terms for this program on our website that can be accessed through the links below before making a purchase.  

Copyright © 2020 Heather Marié Schwarm  All Rights Reserved.